Sunday, October 17, 2010

Learning From Others

There was a new girl that came in for tutoring today and one of the most interesting things I heard was the supervisor of the center ask her if there was anything she should know about her. Such as: can you roll your tongue, can you wiggle your ears

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder

Is it really worth keeping this thing?

But on days like today it's worth it. It gives me something to do. But I'm not pro-blogger like some people out there.

Randall is at work and my car is in the shop so I can't get anywhere. There's a problem when all the anti freeze you pour into the car ends up on the floorboard of the passenger side. Not so good. But I've been up since 6:30 and need a break from planning for school. Although a billion more hours of getting things perfect would be wonderful. It would also be nice to know exactly when we start and end. They've moved it around a couple times now and when I think I have my schedule smoothly planned I notice something in it that just won't work. Like having recess on my table on excel in the wrong fifteen minute block. That causes a problem.

I've also decided I really need to get my husband to teach me Portuguese. There's Portuguese music on my computer and I don't know what it says. And he talks in Portuguese and I can't even say I don't understand in Portuguese, I respond in Spanish, haha. Not that I know much of that either. And I need to spend more time with Melissa so I can relearn ASL. Then I'll be cool - I'll be on my way to being trilingual. Aren't you jealous? Haha, maybe not.

Well, I'm sure there's something else around this house that needs done or more school stuff to plan... Off to entertain myself.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wow, I still have this thing

Justin just started a blog and I remembered I had one myself. I wonder if I'll ever really keep it up...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cell Phone Issues and Playing Piano

My phone is dying. As in I can hear other people, but they can't hear me. Thus, tomorrow I am buying a new phone. On my own plan. I'm a big girl now! I tie my own shoes and everything. (I have yet to find the source of that statement. I know it was referred to in Hercules but I heard it somewhere else and the web has failed me so far to reveal the source.)

And in reference to the piano: I played piano in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. It wasn't perfect, but it went well. I need to get better at more hymns. One day I want to own a grand piano. When I move out on my own to go teach I think I'll bring my keyboard. I really don't like playing on keyboards - especially because mine doesn't have weighted keys - but it will have to do. I'm going to have to find out what I did with the power cord and the stand that go with it though... that might be a difficulty.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Hired!

I have been hired to teach first grade in a school that houses K-3. I will be the only new teacher which allows me to access all the other teachers as a resource! I'm pretty excited. It will be quite the switch from fifth and sixth graders to first graders, but I think I'm ready for it.
First grade, here I come!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

To Interview or Not to Interview... That is the Question

Well no news yet on the last interview. I called on Monday to see what the status was and they hadn't made a decision yet.

I just got a call from another elementary school way down south and to the east, near Four Corners. They scheduled me for an interview at 1:00 and want me to bring a ten minute lesson plan to the interview. I looked it up and it's a seven hour drive to get there. That means leaving at like 6 in the morning or leaving Sunday and finding a place to stay halfway. I know that opportunities to interview are scarce these days, but I don't know that I want to interview with this one. It's a small community and doesn't have what I want in my personal interactions with people. I'm sure the community is great, but I don't think it's for me. However, I don't know if I should go down and interview for the experience and then end up declining the job, because I don't think it would be best if I took it, or if I should decline the interview so I don't spend the time and money getting there and have them spend time and money on me when I really don't think there's a possibility of me taking the job.

Yes, I want a job. And yes I appreciate that they want me to interview, but it doesn't feel right. I want a job that puts in a good area with people I know that can support me and with experiences that I can grow from. Granted I don't know whether this job could give me that, but it seems highly unlikely that I would be happy there. And me being unhappy will not work well with the kids. And yet maybe that's where I need to go.

The question is: Am I being resistant because I don't know what's ahead? Or is this really not the job for me and I should let it pass by because something better is coming? It's these times that I just want to scream because I want to make right choice and I don't know how to do it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had an interview with East Midvale Elementary yesterday. It went really well. And I'll hear from them by Friday! I could know if I have a job this week! AHH!